The Mystery Stories: Island of Hope game tells the story of journalist from New York Michelle Deanfield as she goes on a vacation. The first one she's had in three years, after achieving a good job from her last newspaper article. She may have thought that she could relax in the vacation but as the story unfolds, she has to search for the Mayan artifact that has gone missing.
Mystery Stories: Island of Hope sometimes requires you to search for objects with only their silhouettes, or a story-like statement as clues. And also you’re only given the object’s sound-effects as clues. Now...that's challenging. :p Where clues are short sound clips that correspond to an object, like a ribbit sound to a frog, or hooting to an owl. Occasional mini-games, like piecing together a torn document, playing a memory game, or picking a lock, are optional and can be skipped if the player chooses.
You also get penalties for click-spamming, and to avoid all of that, you will be able to use 4 bonuses that provide you hints, points and time depending on what you require. To replenish them, you have to find paper-like objects containing their silhouettes. There are also challenging mini games included in the game.
The story is advanced through lightly-animated still photographs, with is a nice aesthetic change from the usual comic book-style narration. Nice one from the normal static pictures from most games.
All in all, even though the graphics are good, I find the game sometimes too challenging. Many of the objects are too well hidden and some of the objects are mislabeled. Mystery Stories: Island of Hope is able to keep fans in the hidden object genre satisfied and if you don’t mind the tension that builds up while playing this game, then you can try out this game.
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