Alex the cat is on a mission, and he must stomp on enemies, collect coins find secret places and find the secret pieces of an amulet, so his sibling can be released. The graphics excellent.
On your journey to find the missing pieces to the amulet, you meet many enemies that will try to stop you from exploring the many different levels around the island. Lucky for you, it only takes a well executed jump on an enemy’s head to kill them.
I had fun jumping on the monsters, swings on ropes, climbing up mine shafts and the best part upgrading my personal island with the coins I gathered! For your island you can buy a house, boat and grass. Collecting jewels, coins and precious treasures on bonus levels and so much more to this fun platformer game.
There are under water levels in this Alex Gordon game. Swim around to collect the treasure and get to the air bubbles before Alex's oxygen runs out. Longer underwater levels come with an “air bar” to let you know when you’re running out of oxygen. When you need more air, simply stop inside a bubble stream to fill up again.
All the money you've collected will channel towards upgrading the island so that you have a special place to look forward upon your retirement.
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