Rooms: The Main Building is tastefully created by Handmade Game, a nice refreshing change for those games in this genre. Here is the story. You receive a strange gift for your birthday and transported back to the 1930s through this so-called "time machine". You arrive in Rooms and your mission here is to the exit in each room by sliding squares to create a path.
Rooms are separated into few different pieces. Move the pieces so that you have space to move and not blocked by these objects. Slide the items and combine them to free yourself from the rooms: the weird and very odd place. Continue your journey to the final stage and you need to use the right tool at the right time. As you advance in the rooms, you can customize your rooms and more new tools to use when you need it.
Rooms: The Main Building has very impressive design and creative ideas flowed from the developer. The sound effect and detailed graphic makes this game an enjoyable and fun one. This game is above expectation and really what you will want in the puzzle game. Superb!
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