Paradise Paintball supposed to be a paintball game. It has… well paintballs bullets. However, I do notice that the game plays more like deathmatch in the old PC games like unreal tournament or quake arena. There is no concept like wind calculation nor strategy here. All you have to do is run around and start to shoot anyone you see in front of you.
The game is running on a full 3D engine on flash and you will be provided with a few gameplay style, Free for All, Team Vs Team and Just for Fun. I do notice however that the game does have some problem with bandwidth and may actually lag while playing it over the Facebook. Frame rate may actually drop without any explanation or when there are just too many people on one map.
Now we look at the gameplay provided by Paradise Paintball. First off, we will look at Free for All. Free for all is where players will be drop onto a map and start shooting anything that moves, that including you of course. There are no friends in this map as everyone is a potential target.
Team Vs Team is like the name prescribes it. Players Team will go head on with another Team to dominate the map for a time frame of 20 minutes.
Finally there is Just for Fun. This gameplay is like Free for All, except that it will have a few extra gimmick that goes into the map like super jump and super speed. This map also includes radar which allow players to find their opponents on the map.
I find this game rather promising and disappointing at the same time. First off, players will be equipped with 4 different weapons such as the pistol, rifle, rocket launcher and a sniper rifle. The pistol works great, accurate and easy to aim.
The rifle however has a bit of problem; I am having a hard time shooting it while the sniper rifle may get a bit of use to. I tend to notice that that I spend more time using the rocket launcher since there is not much aiming needed. Just point and shoot anyone in front of you. Do keep in mind not to shot your rocket to close to you as you might get the kill yourself.
Power ups and ammo is also scattered all around the map and some power ups and rather odd. When hit by it, you will either get the feeling that you have been drinking and have a drunken sensation while another one just throw your players upside down making aiming really hard.
Furthermore the maps are very well design for this game, players don’t really need to run too long before bumping into someone to shoot at.
I do find it rather hard a bit during Team Vs Team as I have no idea who is on my team and who is the enemy. All I did was to shoot anyone I see. Hopefully my teammates will forgive my loose cannon attitude.
Overall, players can also get to customize their character looks, this seems to be a feature I didn’t expect to see here, but it is still cool to make yourself stand out towards the other players.
Very nice and well made 3D engine. I have to give the developers credits for making the game looks like the first unreal game engine. The character is well design and the maps looks very interesting. The trees and grass is full 3D and you will even see birds and broken down helicopters on the island. However, the developers might like to look into the Frame Rate issues, but this is just a small setback for a game this good looking.
There will be music in the main selection screen, but after that game will be rather quiet aside from the groan and moaning sound made by the players when they got hurt or die. The sound of guns firing and getting hit is rather, unsatisfying, but that is just me. This is Flash, I cannot expect too much out for it.
The only thing I see on this game that is about paintball is the splat on the screen with purple, yellow and blue. Other than that his game plays like any other FPS out there. I still find is rather interesting and very happy that I finally found a FPS in Facebook. Readers please take note that you have to actually download an application and install it before you can run this game. This is not really a flash game, but rather a software that is integrated into your browsers.
I give this FPS a 4 out of 5 rating.
Correction: Paradise Paintball is using Unity and not Flash. Thanks Gabriel for the update!