Superhero City is a Facebook game, developed by KlickNation. Take on the role of a superhero and save the world from evil in Superhero City. Customize your hero and travel the globe, bringing villains to justice everywhere you go.
Learn hundreds of devastating abilities, and unleash them on your fellow players in epic battles, animated blow-by-blow. Team up to increase your power, defeat your rivals and climb to the top of the leaderboard.
Overall, below is the gameplay for Superhero City:
Below is the short video trailer on Superhero City.
Learn hundreds of devastating abilities, and unleash them on your fellow players in epic battles, animated blow-by-blow. Team up to increase your power, defeat your rivals and climb to the top of the leaderboard.
Overall, below is the gameplay for Superhero City:
- Create your hero.
- Battle other heroes in the 2D battle arena w/animations.
- Create and customize your avatar!
- Complete missions and travel the world.
Below is the short video trailer on Superhero City.
how do you save your avatar in the game