The main part of the game requires you to navigate from corridor to corridor, crates to crates, and room to room while avoiding being caught in your enemies line of sight (which are covinient shown in red). You kill your green target by simply touching it.
In addition to moving around with the arrow keys, you have two other abilities: fast movement and invisibility (while standing still). These two abilities have corresponding usage meters which get used up really fast. Fortunately, the meters also filled up quite fast.
Visually, the graphic gets the job done. The view is from top down. The setting is always at warehouses, so you only see crates and corridors. The graphic gets repetitious over time. Fortunately, this means you will not be distracted from the gameplay.
After you kill your target, you will have to wait for a some time for a green bar to fill up and re an exit to appear. If you are seen by your enemies, an alarm red bar will appear. This bar goes shorter as time goes by. When this alarm is on, the enemies are move faster and are alert.
There are really a lot of randomness in this game. The enemies' moves randomly. The green target moves randomly. You don't play the same game twice.
This game is moderately fun. Although the randomness sometimes result in long boring games where you just have to wait until the right opportunities appears, at other times, the game can be fast-paced with enough thrill to keep you playing. Overall, this is a good game.
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