Doom Forge: Dawn of Legends (Beta Stage)

After nearly a week of its official release to the public, Doom Forge: Dawn of Legends is finally released as Beta to all Facebook gamers. We from Mabel Games are honored to test out the Beta release and to see how far the game has come since its time during the Alpha testing.

Gameplay in Doom Forge has not changed much. Melee combat is still controlled by the game AI while player have control of what skill to use during the match. I will not go through most of the game features that is present in the Beta release as most of it seems to have been retained since the Alpha stage of this game.

A few new changes I do notice is that when you start the game, your original character during the Alpha game has been wiped clean and you will have to start from new again. This is not really a bad thing since most of the people who have played the Alpha game most probably have level up quite high already.

New character now will start from scratch as the swords, armor and clothing is now really to the most basic. You will notice that you now look like a lowly peasant who has been thrown into a gladiator arena instead of a season fighter like the last game.

After a few rounds into the game, I am happy to say that the game has improved a lot since the last time I played it. The game is a lot more challenging and I actually did have my ass kicked a few times. New players also will notice that they may not be fighting generic characters anymore as now all the players’ looks a lot more customize with new armors and weapons.

(So many things to buy, yet so little money I have, time to head back into the Arena!)
Inventory system has also been unlocked during the Beta release of the game. A lot more redefine and easier to manage. Players will be offer a character screen which they can just pick up and drop off weapons and armors.

(Yeah I still look like a Zero, Time to go Shopping)

A lot of new items are now available even for new players as the price is very affordable. I find myself getting new weapons and armors as soon as I am in the game for just a few hours. This is good for most players who do not have time to go mingle around too long into the game only to rip the reward from it.

Same as during the Alpha stage, a game which is worth seeing as this is the only “Flash” game that is using full 3D. I did stumble upon a few games in Facebook which is also having 3D technologies incorporate into them, but most will require Java and 3rd party application installation. Furthermore I would also like to think that the developers have put in a lot of effort into making this a beautiful yet gothic looking game. The game itself reminds me a lot of WoW (World of Warcraft) in it as the arts and the style looks almost a like.

Retain the same old sound system. Not to say it is a bad thing since there was nothing much to be improved in the first place.

I find it rather enjoyable for the Beta release of this game and really like how the developers do to the game. Although melee combat is still control by the AI, but players at least have a bit more control compare to the other fighting games out there in Facebook. It will be great to see other games in-corporate the skills mechanics into their gaming system.

I give this game a 4 out of 5 rating.

Doom Forge: Dawn of Legends Links

1) Facebook- You must have a Facebook account to play Doom Forge: Dawn of Legends

2) Doom Forge: Dawn of Legends Application at Facebook-

3) Also read Doom Forge: Dawn of Legends (Preview to Alpha Stage)-


  1. [...] Doom Forge: Dawn of Legends Game Review: [...]

  2. need any game masters for the game which tell peoples what to do in the first steps of the game let me know i spend lot of time at pc when not working


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