Wild Ones

I am sure that some of you would actually heard of a strategy game called Worms that was made famous during 1994 (Yes, it was that long).  Today, Playdom has developed their own version of Worms game in Facebook and it is called Wild Ones. Instead of using worms, the developers has chosen to adopt cute little animal instead.
In Wild Ones, players will be thrown into a battlefield filled with various types of cute and adorable little animals that will fight to their death for the glory of the player. It sounds so very wrong, since cute animal are not suppose to fight to their death?

First off, when you first jump into the game, you will get your first soldier unit. You get to name and customize the colour for now. After the usual character creator screen, players will be introduced to the game tutorial, explaining to new players how the game mechanics works.

The game mechanics of Wild Ones work similar to Worms. Players will have their units and weapon load that comes with it, from rocket launcher to hand grenade and land mines. All this wonderful weapon of mass destruction will allow your pets to totally devastate the surrounding environments and also your enemy (Oh look a cute little bunny... SHOOT IT!)

Your mission is to carefully guide your pets and co-ordinate them to destroy the opponents or be destroyed yourself. The game works in a turn base environment, meaning that you take turns to move and fight. Rather simple to follow, but the control can get a bit of getting use to by new players.

Environment is also an important factor in this game as players will also have to study their surrounding before deploying their pets. This is a strategy game, so players will have to keep in mind of their surrounding and utilize it to their advantage.

One throwback about this game is that Wild Ones has no single player gameplay mode whatsoever. The game is made solely for multiplayer purpose only. You will have to have active players online while you are playing the game. Players can to the multiplayer options and choose who they want to challenge with or they can just create their own custom game to their friends they wish to challenge.

Customizing your pets is also one feature that has been included in this game. All pets are fully customizable, making them standout towards the rest of the pets. They can be customized to wear clothes to make them look cute or mean, depending on the player's taste. Players also have the options to purchase extra weapons to get the upper hand on their opponents.

Graphic presented in this game is decent. All the pets look very adorable and some look a bit terrifying, mainly the angry dogs. Environment is also well made, but nothing that you have never seen before in Flash Games.

No music in this game or voice over. The game does have the normal explosion and shooting sound. There is very limited sound effect for this sort of game really and kind of disappointing too.

This is a strategy game that is made to play with friends. If you have lots of friends who loves Worm or just to blow things up with cute little pets, you really must try this game out.

I give this game 3 out of 5 due to lack of single player mode.

Wild Ones Links

1) Facebook- You can open a Facebook account to play Wild Ones

2) Wild Ones Application at Facebook- http://apps.facebook.com/wildones/


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