Stylish Girl 2 Walkthrough

Play Stylish Girl 2Ok, there are a few hard levels for Stylish Girl 2, especially to pass through Emily and Madison. So here is the walkthrough.


Black tank, black tee, black leather jacket, jeans, black tights, black mini, gray/black punky ankle boots
***MAKE SURE you buy the the helmet for the motorcycle date



Khaki cargo pants, red bubble vest, tennis shoes, brown sandals hiking backpack, blue boho shirt

***DO NOT wear jewelry. DO buy one plaid shirt from the store

Interesting date in Stylish Girl 2


BLACK HEELS with every outfit EXCEPT the outdoors one

Black knee length skirts, Long black trench coat, black button shirt with white cuffs

***COMPANY PROMOTION AWARD: Long red dress, black heels, diamond necklace, diamond earings & both diamond bracelets, and silver clutch/bag***



Black necklace w/ orange IN EVERY outfit EXCEPT the yoga one, white bag with gold trim, orange skirt, teal scarf, brown side bag with beading, teal necklace, brown sandals, long yellow cardigan, black heels.


Oh yeah, try not to buy any stuffs until you get to Emily and Madison!


  1. what shirt do i need for emily helppppp!!!

  2. @ Domdom, another way of dressing for Emily. You can start of with shorts, sneakers, orange necklace, and the hoodie. Then wear the business woman suit (almost the same thing you did for Madison). Then wear the colorful blue dress, orange necklace, and brown flats.

    For going to yoga wear yoga pants and a tee shirt, and don't wear any shoes! For going to Bangkok buy the crazy pattern skirt and pants, wear the brown flats and orange necklace and the black and white button up shirt.

  3. umm i try to wear no shoes but it won't let me click next!! what in the world do i do :(

  4. actually figured out how to do it.... use blue carpet...white tank..white pants..and sandles (you already have them..the brown ones) even though it took the shoes off my points the blue carpet made my score go SOARING! :) :D :) hope i helped

  5. how do i get med. skirt for maddy?

  6. how do u do the second part for madison???

  7. With Madison, try getting black heels with every outfit EXCEPT the outdoors one

    Black knee length skirts, Long black trench coat, black button shirt with white cuffs.

    Let me know your version of Madison. Good luck!

  8. it won'tlet me press next so how do I go for Tommys concert

  9. DO THE MAKEUP!! If you do it right, it'll give you points (ie Ponytail or the bun for the hike, buy the bright red lipstick for the award night, and dark eyeshawdow for Tommy)

  10. Another thing for Madison is she likes the black suitcase EXEPT on the on the outdoors one! ;) :)

  11. HELP!!!!! I've tried everything you told me to do on Emily but nothings working!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

  12. how do you dress for emily on the work bit

    please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. what do you wear for the challenge where youre supposed to where the african mash

  14. mabel what colorful blue dress


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